surgeons and doctors

Our In-services with Surgeons and Doctors focus on developing an understanding of the OrthoFit process and our unique and holistic approach to the rehabilitation process. Trained and certified in the latest technology, we are proud to share advancements in componentry and the potential impact on accelerated recovery. We highlight the common threads of continuity of care as it pertains to the care cycle from surgeon to physiatrist, physical therapist and family.

From pre-amputation consultations to pre and post-operative visits, we recognize the mental aspect is as important as the physical. Peer to peer meetings with a current prosthetic patient, also known as a patient advocate, have proven invaluable in reassuring, and supporting amputees through this challenging event.

If you would like to schedule an inservice or a patient advocate visit for your patients, please call one of our locations or submit the fillable form below.


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